Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Al Gore or ALGOR!!!

I have decided that Al Gore is using the Global Warming for his own personal gain. It is not the fame or millions of dollars that he is funneling into his pockets by owning the majority of the UN approved carbon offset company. It is not the political power he is trying to maintain in the face of stupidity. Not even the unshaven, unbathed, freaky environmentalist women who want to do a Clinton on him ... OK maybe he doesn't want that one. No it is none of these. The reason that Al Gore is fighting against Global Warming is that he is secretly a Palladium Algor Frost Giant.

He obviously came through a rift from the Palladium universe and found the world to be far to hot for his artic skin. He found he had no useful skills that would be able to support him on this world. He went Through a metamorpheous to become a human and began a career as the closist thing to an evil warlord as he could: A POLITICAN!!!! He found that his skills at giant English and giant journalism kept him in the lower bracket of monsters. He sucked at fighting and did not have the brains to be a mastermind criminal.

He attempted to create a massive communication network to control the minds of the Earth, but he found it had already been made. So he found that before he could bring his brothers over he had to become president and casue tempratues to lower throughout the world causing massive poverty and starvation in the poorer countries. Once the human population was gone his giants could come over to proclaim him emporer. This is how sucky great and stupid Al Gore is.

Killing babies throughout the world for decades: Al Gore the Algor.

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