Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rifts Completion Delayed Just a Bit

The Rifts game that I actually ran two weeks ago went fairly well. We started late of course, but also had a good interruption of friends who I thought could not make it. The couldn't but instead were stopping by since they had gone out to eat. I even got one of them to run his character for a little while.  The only bad thing was that we ended up stopping at 1 PM with the wrap up still needing to be completed.

I figure I can get everyone together pretty easy and just run through the game without dice, character sheets, or books.  I can simply use the notes that I already have on my PDA (alright a phone, but I liked the good old days of PDAs.  It just sounded better.)  The one obstacle is getting people together.  I would like to avoid eating out to save money, but that is what we normally do once we get together.  I am figuring just calling people up and say be here at X PM on Caterday just to be done with it.

They can then find out that they are technically screwed by the loot as it a test of them abiding by their contract.  We shall see if any one actually reads this post from the group.