Monday, March 19, 2012

Rifts Game Completion

I have finally gotten everyone together to complete the Palladium Rifts game that has been sitting for almost a year. It was delayed due to the normal things: work, school, sickness, dead players, and outside hobbies among many other things. Thankfully everyone now has the time to finish it after a few graduations, resurrections, and aactually having free time.

The loss of one of the players is a bit saddening, but he has other things to do. An alternate is just starting school, so that screws up his weekends. Now we are down to four, so I shall have to work on convincing one other person into it. I just have to figure out how.

We left off at the start of an attack on a vampire layer. Thankfully for the PCs it is only a bunch of minor newbie vamps; as Rifts vampires are extra-dimensionally scary! I mean Freaks of Nature from Outer Space who eat your brains while in another dimension scary. They have a pretty good chance of winning since the PC who specialized in killing the Undead is still in the game. They are just missing their cyber-knight who would have done well against thesome vamps with the way he was outfitted.

I have a synopsis of the adventure located on my Sons fo Death Rifts website (located at here: Againt the Vampire Incursion! that no one ever goes to. OK maybe not no one, but it has so few visitors that anyone else would be embarrassed by the amount.

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